Channel: PlayGround (1)
Category: Gaming
Tags: i7 8700kgta 5 vs mad maxgta 5sandstormmad maxgta vphysics comparisongta 5 better than mad maxultrartx 2080 tigta mad max carmadmaxrealisticvideogamephysicsmad max pc ultrashoottiregta vs mad maxtire damagegrand theft auto vs mad maxmaxgta v mad max carwheelmadmax carmad max vs gta vdirect comparisonmad max better than gta 5explosionshotgunbig comparisongraphics comparisongta v vs mad maxdesertsbs comparisongameplay
Description: I made this BIG GTA V vs. MAD MAX comparison to see if Mad Max beats GTA V or not! If you like my video, please SHARE it with your friends! I hope you enjoy the content I made! Welcome to the PlayGround! Thank you so much for watching! ► Subscribe for more high quality videos! :) ///////////////////////////////////////////// My PC: CPU: i7 8700K 4.7 GHz RAM: 32 GB DDR4 3200 MHz VGA: RTX 2080 Ti 11GB ///////////////////////////////////////////// Music: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: One More Chance - Experia If Tomorrow (Instrumental Version) - Cacti Facebook - Twitter - Support PlayGround on Patreon! Donation: